
In many parts of West Africa churches organize retreats for their members. Many church goers are familiar with these. Some Christians take some days off at the start of the year, end of the year, or at Lent period to retreat and spend time with the Lord.

CYARA’s desire is to build times of retreat into their rhythm of life. Sometimes we convince ourselves that we do not have the time for retreats. The issue is not having the time, but encouraging ourselves to see this as worth scheduling time for.

We can intentionally disengage to purposely rest and nourish our souls as we spend
time in In Mark 6:31, the disciples of Jesus were so busy with people they did not
even have time to eat.

Jesus knew his disciples were weary and suggested they took time off to rest.

Upcoming Scheduled Retreats

The Quiet Place: A Retreat of Solitude and Silence

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 9am – 4pm.

This retreat explores how solitude and silence provide the foundation for spiritual growth. It provides space for you to nourish your inner life, commune with the Father, meditate, and take in the beauty of nature in silence.

Rhythm of Life Retreat

July 11, 2024.

This retreat explores how we instill consistent practices into our lives that lead to
spiritual transformation, enabling us to develop a rule of life where various spiritual
disciplines become a rhythm in our lives.

  • Intentional and sustained efforts towards spiritual transformation.
  • Arranging spiritual disciplines to form a healthy life rhythm.
  • Redirecting our lives in a hopeful direction.

Contact us about Upcoming Retreats

View Our rooms

Our Rooms are furnished with comfortable furniture and also include complimentary amenities including a flat screen LCD TV, tea/coffee making equipment, a fan, hairdryer and linen bedding.