Christian Living

The Place of Faith in Mental Health Part-1

The Place of Faith in Mental Health-Part 1   ” The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Introduction We all desire mental health for us and for our loved ones. We do not think of it

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The Temptation of Jesus: Lessons for Life

Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan, to be baptized by his forerunner, John, who had been calling the people  to baptismal repentance. On seeing Jesus, John raised an objection saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” Jesus responded, “Let it be so now; it is proper for

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The Servant of the LORD

Isaiah 41:21-29; 42:1-4 Introduction When I was in high school, I loved going to courts to listen to court cases. My relative-in-law was a police officer. When he was on duty in the courts I would join him and gain free access into the court. I still enjoy watching movies or Television shows with courtroom

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Pressing on to the End

Phil 3:12-16 If any of us had ever been involved in athletics, we would know very well that the rewards are given when the races are ended. It is in finishing the race that one qualifies for the prize. Many a time in racing, one gets faint, fatigued, and frustrated; making it sometimes challenging to

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