Pressing on to the End

Phil 3:12-16

If any of us had ever been involved in athletics, we would know very well that the rewards are given when the races are ended. It is in finishing the race that one qualifies for the prize. Many a time in racing, one gets faint, fatigued, and frustrated; making it sometimes challenging to finish a marathon that was begun with joy and maximum enthusiasm. Here in the referenced scripture, we are called upon to press on till the end of the Christian race. It is not only important to start well on any venture in Christian commitment, but also critical to finish well.  We are encouraged to never give up on the vision for which Christ had called us. We were encouraged to never look back, give up, or slack in our commitment to the assignment given by God.

From the reading, the apostle Paul reminded the Philippian church that he himself was a work in progress, not claiming perfection but striving for same. CYARA is also a work in progress with lots of work being committed to the founding phase in which we are. We were encouraged to remain resolute and to press on to the very end.

Unless we see the fruits of the vision of this ministry, we cannot give up or relent in our efforts.

May God be our help to stay focused and committed to this good course.